Happy New Year! We are so happy to be starting back in 2016 with our fortnightly challenges.
We certainly love providing inspiration for you and hope you will play along.
We also have new Designers to introduce to you -
Please make them welcome -
I know they are excited to join us so don't forget to visit their blogs and say hi.
Our amazing, sensational and CAS-a-licious returning Designers -
Onto our challenge!
Your hostess for this fortnight is Jaydee and here is the code word she has chosen for you
MMMMM, MMMMMM. We all love cake. Please use the word however it inspires you but remember to keep your entries Clean and Simple.
We have a wonderful sponsor joining us again for 2016.
A big thank you to Shery for her continued support :)
Our first Guest Designer for 2016 is incredibly talented, and the winner of Challenge #76 (Hero):

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Stewart and I live in New Canaan, Connecticut with my Goldendoodle, Quinn. I have been making cards for over 20 years. I was first intrigued with card making on a visit to the design offices at Hallmark…and thought what fun! All those colors, the papers, markers, the ideas! Since then my passion and crafting space has only grown. In 2005, I avidly joined Cards for Heroes (later Operation Write Home), began reading blogs, and eventually making more than 11,000 cards over the years for the operation. This summer when OWH closed its doors, I decided to jump into challenges. The experience over the last six months has been wonderful…pushing me out of my comfort zone of CAS, introducing me to new card makers and their techniques. Cards are my “5 minute immersion into creativity” that I look forward to each night after my day job as a researcher at a major biotech. I hope 2016 brings more challenges and a blog! I feel very fortunate to be a part of this amazingly talented and welcoming community.
Here we go with our inspiration
Wooo hooo! So much goodness here to inspire you! Over to you now.