Saturday 22 June 2024

Challenge #261

 We have a new challenge for you. Toni is our hostess and she has chosen our code word.

As this is a clean and simple challenge blog, here is a quick reminder of what we like to see in our gallery.

Here are the cards that the Design Team members created for you. 

Toni (our hostess)

We'd love for you to join our challenge and add your card in our gallery.

Thursday 13 June 2024


 Our gallery for our last Challenge #259 - Balloons was full of great "balloon" cards. Thank you for adding to our gallery.

Vicki was our hostess and had the task of determining our winners.

Vicki chose #3 Jane because she totally loved the technique used on the fun single balloon card. Unfortunately, we're not able to post Jane's card as she used Instagram and we haven't figured out how to copy and paste the card here. Click on the link above to see her great card. Here is your badge as our CAS Perfectionist.

Vicki's choice for the top three in number order are:

#8 - Claire A

#10 - Helen

#16 - Joanne James

Congratulations! Here is our Top 3 badge for your blogs.

There is still time to join us for Challenge #260 here

Saturday 8 June 2024

Challenge #260

 Hi Crafty Friends! We have a new challenge starting today. Jaydee is our hostess and she has chosen the following code word.

As this is a clean and simple challenge blog, here is a quick reminder of what we like to see in our gallery.

Here are the cards that the Design Team members created for you. 

Jaydee (our hostess)

